The Ladysmith Community Fund was established to generate revenue which could be distributed in the form of grants to charities working in the Ladysmith area. The Fund is held for us and managed under an agreement with the Nanaimo Foundation.
2025 marks the third year that LCFS will issue one or more grants in the community of Ladysmith. It’s the reason we are here, and it’s a sign of better things to come, as the Fund continues to grow every year.
For more information please refer to our Policies page and click on Grants Policy. The 2025 Grant Application can also be downloaded here in MS Word format.
Ladysmith Community Fund Society Grant Guidelines – 2025
The purposes of the Society are:
- To foster and promote awareness of and appreciation for community-based philanthropy.
- To enrich the quality of life in the community of Ladysmith.
- To build a permanent endowment fund for the community.
- To invite Ladysmith and area citizens to contribute their time, expertise, ideas and financial gifts to further the goals of the fund and support community needs over the long term, and
- To distribute available funds on an annual basis according to a grant application and approval process.
The Ladysmith Community Fund is in our third grant cycle. For 2025 our available grant disbursement will be $1,100.00. Grants from the Ladysmith Community Fund Society are awarded on an annual basis.
Organizations seeking funds must demonstrate a strong and committed volunteer Board of Directors along with demonstrating fiscal responsibility. Grants are awarded for definite purposes and programmes and for projects covering a specific period. Preference is given to organizations that promote volunteer participation, and which do not duplicate services provided by other organizations.
Deadline for Grant: March 10, 2025 at midnight
Granting Criteria
To be considered for a Ladysmith Community Fund grant, applicants will:
- be a registered charity or other qualified donee as defined under the Income Tax Act
- demonstrate fiscal responsibility and effective management.
- demonstrate inclusiveness and respect for diversity.
- demonstrate a commitment to the project through a meaningful contribution of their own human and/or financial resources.
- Preference will be given to organizations that serve the Ladysmith area.
The following activities are not eligible for grants:
- annual fund drives
- building campaigns, however, small identifiable components of capital projects may be considered
- deficit reduction
- religious activities
- political activities
- regular staff wages however staff time per project or program does qualify
What you need to know for the application process
If the organization’s project fits the guidelines, a completed and signed application form is to be submitted electronically by email to before the deadline date of March 10, 2025 at midnight
The Society invites representatives of organizations to discuss their projects with them before submitting a grant application. For inquiries email
Organizations will be advised by email of the Society’s decision. The email will outline the terms and conditions. We ask successful grant applicants to acknowledge the support of the Ladysmith Community Fund Society on all project or programme marketing material including websites. Once the project or programme is complete an evaluation of the results must be sent by email within 30 days of completion.
The selected application will be invited to a formal presentation.
Please submit a written report which includes the final project or programme budget, including a brief summary of why your project or programme worked or didn’t work, and what your organization learned. (Maximum 500 words).
We request that you send photos, as appropriate, of the completed project and programme for publication. Please ensure you have appropriate permissions to use anyone pictured in your photo.