Ladysmith Community Fund Grants Policy

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The Ladysmith Community Fund Society empowers the local community to meet identified needs by developing and managing permanent endowment funds. 


The Ladysmith Community Fund Society embraces a vision of a thriving and resilient community.


The purpose of the Ladysmith Community Fund Society (LCFS) is to make meaningful and lasting impacts in Ladysmith. We do that by

  1. Fostering and promoting awareness of and appreciation for community-based philanthropy.
  2. Enriching the quality of life in the community of Ladysmith.
  3. Building a permanent endowment fund for the community.
  4. Inviting Ladysmith and area citizens to contribute their time, expertise, ideas and financial gifts advancing the goals of the fund to support community needs over the long term, and,
  5. Distributing available funds on an annual basis according to a grant application and approval process 

Grant Policy:

  1. Annual grant requests to the Ladysmith Community Fund Society (LCFS) will be the responsibility of the LCFS Grant Committee as defined in the LCFS Grant Committee’s Terms of Reference. Final decision is determined by the LCFS board.
  2. The LCFS will make grants at least once per year in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requirements.
  3. The LCFS could establish one or more grant cycles per year.
  4. The eligible amounts to be granted to meet the CRA guidelines will be determined each year through the Treasurer and the Nanaimo Foundation prior to each granting cycle. 
  5. The LCFS Grant Committee will review and establish priorities for support based on a community needs assessment.
  6. The LCFS Grant Committee, based on priorities and funds available, will identify granting cycle, the size and number of grants, and the deadline for submissions.
  7. Grants are awarded for projects and programmes covering a specific period.
  8. Applicant organizations must be a registered charitable organization with the Canadian Revenue Agency. (CRA)
  9. Preference is given to organizations that serve the Ladysmith area; that promote volunteer participation; and which do not duplicate services provided by other organizations.
  10. Organizations that receive grants must demonstrate:
    • fiscal responsibility and effective management 
    • a strong and committed volunteer Board of Directors
    • respect for diversity and inclusiveness 
    • a commitment to the project through a meaningful contribution of their own human and/or financial resources. 
  11. The following programme or projects are not eligible for grants:
    • annual fund drives
    • building campaigns, however, small identifiable components of capital projects may be considered.
    • deficit reduction
    • religious activities
    • political activities
    • regular staff wages, however, staff time per project or program do qualify.
  12. The LCFS is to be acknowledged publicly for their contribution and request that all-grant recipients provide a report of their programme or project. Once the project or programme is complete an evaluation of the results shall be sent by email within 30 days of completion. The evaluation report should include photos, as appropriate, a written report and a final budget.
  13. Consideration will be given to other funding requests when these may be accommodated using the standard practices of Community Foundations of Canada and the agreement that LCFS has with the Nanaimo Foundation.
  14. Assessment of applications and selection of nominees for grants will be ratified by the LCFS Board and sent to the Nanaimo Foundation for final approval.

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